Post Archive by Month: February,2023

Application Letter for any position

Hello users, you can use this template for any position you want to apply for.   [DATE] Dear [RECIPIENT NAME] My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am writing this letter to apply for any vacant position at [COMPANY NAME]. I come with a great attitude and I am a hardworking individual. I have [NUMBER] years of total work experience…

Job Application letter for Executive

Hello, Do you what to write a letter of application as an Executive? Well mrjobsnaija has made it more easier to be able to write it without hassles. Just copy and paste then interchange those word in red an you are good.   [DATE] Dear [RECIPIENT NAME], Please accept this letter and the enclosed resume as my application for the…

5 tips to get promoted at work

Hey! Do you feel that this promotion of work is getting closer? Feeling like this month’s horoscope is pointing you in all the right directions? Or … Is it that you’ve been working somewhere for a long time and are anxiously waiting to be promoted? You feel that you are not appreciated for your work and you do not understand…

Looking for a job is hard, Ways to go about it

Who has never been unemployed or did not have to look for a job does not even know how difficult and exhausting the job search is. This is a full-time job, which is sometimes very frustrating, if we have no effects for a long time. The unemployed, who is unable to find a new job for several months, experiences discouragement, depressed mood, and self-esteem decreases. So…

10 ways to develop your competences

Graduation is not the end of our education, if only we care about the development and obtaining higher and higher degrees of our professional career. Regardless of the position, there are constantly new products – whether technological or related to e.g. sales techniques, which should be learned for better performance of duties and … own well-being. We can acquire new knowledge and…

Ways To Get The Employer’s Attention

It turns out that the higher the unemployment, the more creative we become, and some have really crazy ideas. Here are some of the most spectacular and sometimes also bizarre ways to get the employer’s attention: 1. The unemployed placed his job search advertisement on a billboard.(The disadvantage of the method is its quite high cost and the fact that…

6 soft features that are important to the employer

 Lack of soft competences in a CV often means that a person with professional experience has difficulty finding a job. What competencies and features are most often sought by employers and how do they diagnose them during the interview? As a rule, to receive an invitation to an interview, our CV must include areas of professional experience that will correspond with…

I have already sent 100 CVs and no response! What to do?

If no company has contacted you for two or three months from sending several dozen CVs, it’s time to analyze the situation. There are many reasons why you don’t get answers and it’s worth finding out where you are making a mistake. Let’s look at a few of them: 1. Technical Problems Maybe your e-mails do not reach the recipients . Try to send your CV to…