Post Archive by Month: February,2023

10 Top Interview Questions for Project Managers

Project management is an exciting and extremely demanding career path, and employment opportunities abound in many different industries around the world. Regardless of whether you decided to become a project manager while studying at school or worked in other positions in your field, finding a job at PM requires an impressive set of skills and experience. Creating a perfect CV,…

10 Common Interview Questions for Nursing and How you Should Answer Them

When applying for a registered nurse position, it’s not just that your previous qualifications and experience will seal the contract. As with any other job, potential employers will want to first meet you and learn more about your motivations, behaviors and aspirations besides what is on your resume. To help you with this process, we’ve compiled a list of the…

7 Most Important Technical Project Management Skills

  While soft skills are essential for any project manager, there are several important technical skills that will improve your project management ability. In particular, you should be familiar with agile project management and how to implement it in your operations. Agile project management includes many strategies to make your workflow as flexible as possible. These methods divide the project…

8 most Important soft skills for project managers

Soft skills are important for project managers. Regardless of whether you have the required technical skills, if you are unable to communicate effectively or remain organized, you will fight to keep up with the demands of the job. Here are eight examples of important soft skills of a project manager (to be included in your resume or just to improve…

Professional ways to reject a job offer — 4 Tips

If you find yourself in an enviable situation in which you can decline a job offer, be smart; do not burn bridges with the company whose offer you reject. You are in a delicate situation when you have to reject someone, so it’s important to know how to politely reject a job offer. Our advice and template will help you…

Quick ways to Follow-Up Job Application

The question remains: should you write by e-mail or call? This is a difficult choice because different hiring managers may have different expectations, companies may have different cultures, or your personality may not match one of these options. The decision is yours, so here’s how to do both. 1. Email Writing an email has some clear advantages as well as…

Application Letter Template for medical doctor

use this template as a reference guide in drafting out an application letter. and don’t forget to replace every words in red to your own word. [DATE]  Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr.[RECIPIENT NAME], I am writing this letter to express my interest in applying for a Medical Doctor position in [HOSPITAL]. As a doctor with [NUMBER] years of experience, I can say that…

Application letter for a post of Nurse

Are you a qualified nurse, and don’t know how to write an Application as a nurse or you don’t have an idea of how to start an application letter, mrjobsnaija has covered it all here. Note: please replace all wordings in red to your own info. [DATE] Dear [RECIPIENT NAME], I am very excited to express my interest in the…