If you find yourself in an enviable situation in which you can decline a job offer, be smart; do not burn bridges with the company whose offer you reject. You are in a delicate situation when you have to reject someone, so it’s important to know how to politely reject a job offer.
Our advice and template will help you get out looking professional rejecting a job offer, and you’ll be sure that you will maintain a good relationship with the company. So read on to learn how to reject a job like a pro.
1. Say Thank you
Gratitude is the most important emotion to convey. The employment manager has spent many hours reviewing applications, browsing work history and references, and talking to colleagues about getting you into work. You should be honored to receive a job offer – now is the time to show it.
2. Reject your job offer now
Have some respect for the time of the company and give them an answer as soon as possible. They will want to go ahead with another applicant, and if you delay, cost them unnecessary time and effort.
3. Tell them why
Be honest why you decided not to join their company. They will appreciate honesty. Avoid using the situation as an opportunity to criticize them, but you can let them know what you feel that their position is not good for you. You never know, if you explain that you don’t feel that a position is right for you, they may offer you a different role that is good for you.
4. Stay in touch
You never know when you run into people, and this is extremely common if you work in the same industry. When rejecting a job offer, tell the company you are looking forward to bumping into them or seeing them in the future. This point is particularly important if things should go wrong at the company where you started work.
Rejection of the sample email with the job offer
Dear [Surname of the Hiring Manager],
Thank you very much for the job offer as [title position] in [Company Name]. I really appreciate your time and considerations, as well as your effort in answering my questions and help in navigating the application process. I was very happy to meet you and [other people’s names in the interview] in [Interview Date].
While working with you [job title] sounds like a great opportunity, I decided to take a different job. [Here you can be as specific or vague as you think is necessary.]
It was nice meeting you and everyone at [Company name], and I hope we’ll have a chance to meet in the future. Thanks again for your care and generous offer. I wish you all the best.
[Your Name]
Rejection of the job offer? Don’t Burn Bridges
For any reason, if things don’t work out in a new job, a good relationship with a company that you have previously rejected may be beneficial. You can even contact them again and see if the job has been filled, or ask if anything else is available. I hope you don’t find yourself in this situation, but if so, it’s wise to build and maintain your previous connections.
Be careful, it may sound like you are the type of worker who easily jumps over a ship. Talk about how much you want to be in their company and why you changed your mind. Give the honest reason why you leave, and above all be honest.
New Conversation Template
Dear [name of employment manager],
I hope everything goes well in [Company name]. The interview with you on [Date of Interview] was a positive experience and I was hoping to contact you.
In my time in my current job / [current company name], I have learned that the position is not exactly what I expected. I am writing to ask if a position in your company was still available, and if not, maybe you wanted to hire someone in another function.
I have attached my updated CV and cover letter. I would like to discuss any possibilities that may be available at this time. I can’t wait to hear from you. Thank you for your continuous consideration.
[Your Name]
Even after finding a new job, keep your CV updated! Check our CV template library.