Accountant needed at Chilis by Ebevande

Job Expired
Save 11 months ago

Job title : Accountant

Job Location : Oyo

Deadline : August 18, 2023

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Job Description

  • Prepare accounting and sales report on daily basis
  • Prepare both kitchen and eatery inventory accurately on daily basis
  • Balance both kitchen and eatery inventory accurately
  • Settles all transaction issues from customers
  • Work with the account officer for proper reconciliation.

Remuneration: N50,000 – N60,000 Monthly.

How to Apply for this Offer

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and Application Letters to: [email protected] using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.

Important Information

Please ensure that your application includes the following:

  • CV/Resume: Provide a detailed summary of your work experience, education, and skills.
  • Application Letter: Write a brief letter expressing your interest in the position and any relevant qualifications or experiences.
  • Accounting / Financial Services jobs
  • Accountant jobs
  • This job has expired!

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