Software Engineer needed at ConSol Limited

Job Expired
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ConSol Limited’s job vacancy, Career and Recruitment

Job title : Software Engineer

Job Location : Lagos

Deadline : March 16, 2023

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Job Duties / Responsibilities / Accountabilities

  • Analyse user requirements
  • Write and test code, refining and rewriting it as necessary and communicate with any programmers involved in the project
  • Research, design and write new software programs (e.g. Business applications or computer games) and computer operating systems
  • Evaluate the software and systems that make computers and hardware work
  • Develop existing programs by analysing and identifying areas for modification
  • Integrate existing software products and get incompatible platforms to work together where possible.
  • Create technical specifications
  • Write systems to control the scheduling of jobs or to control the access allowed to users or remote systems
  • Write operational documentation with technical authors
  • Maintain systems by monitoring and correcting software defects
  • Work closely with other staff, such as project managers, graphic artists, UX designers, other developers, systems analysts and sales and marketing professionals
  • Consult clients and colleagues concerning the maintenance and performance of software systems, with a view to writing or modifying current operating systems
  • Investigate new technologies
  • Continually update technical knowledge and skills by attending in-house and external courses, reading manuals and accessing new applications.
  • Managing the software development life cycle
  • Analyzing applications and making recommendations for improvement
  • Developing software solutions by studying user needs, data usage, and systems flow.


  • Candidates should possess a Bachelor’s Degree qualification with 3 – 4  years work experience.

How to Apply for this Offer

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.

* Software Engineer jobs

*Jobs in Lagos

*ICT Jobs in Nigeria jobs

  • This job has expired!

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