Senior Lecturer (Public Health) needed at Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa

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Job title : Senior Lecturer (Public Health)

Job Location : Ondo

Deadline : November 07, 2024

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Qualifications and Experience

  • Candidates must possess a Ph.D degree in Medical Laboratory Science or Public Health from reputable Universities or comparable Institution of Higher Learning and a good First Degree in an appropriate allied health sciences discipline and any other professional health field (e.g. Pharmacy, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Physiotherapy, Public health and other medical rehabilitation specialties, Radiography).
  • Candidates must have a minimum of 5 years post-qualification experience in teaching and research.
  • Candidates must also possess scholarly publications in high-impact journals, both locally and internationally, have experience in grantsmanship, demonstrate ability to initiate and direct new research efforts, provides mentorship to junior academics and considerable administrative experience.

Salary Grade


How to Apply for this Offer


  • The sealed envelopes containing the application materials should be marked “Application for the post of University Librarian” at the top left-hand corner and forwarded to the Registrar, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, PMB 353, Okitipupa, Ondo State.

Electronic Submission
The submission of the hard copy should be accompanied by a full electronic submission of the application and accompanying materials to be mailed as attachment in PDF or MS Word format to: using the job title as the subject of the mail.


  • Referees should be similarly encouraged to submit signed electronic copies of their references in PDF format to the same email address.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Interested and qualifed candidates are required to submit twenty-five (25) copies of their Curriculum Vitae, Certificates and other relevant credentials which should contain among other things:

  • Name in full (Surname last in block letters)
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Nationality
  • State of Origin/LGA
  • Permanent Home Address
  • Present Postal Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Marital Status
  • Number and Ages of Children.
  • Educational Institutions Attended with Dates and Qualifications with Class of Degree obtained including Membership/Fellowship of Relevant Professional Bodies.
  • Work Experience including Full details of Former and Present Posts with Dates.
  • List of Publications.
  • Other Relevant Activities Outside Current Employment.
  • Major Professional Achievements, Contributions including Awards Received.
  • Names and Addresses of Three (3) Referees.

The Registrar,
Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology (OAUSTECU),
P.M.B. 353, Okitipupa,
Ondo State, Nigeria.

  • Education / Teaching Jobs jobs