Call to Tender – Procurement of Albendazol needed at Global Village Healthcare Initiative for Africa

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Job title : Call to Tender – Procurement of Albendazol

Job Location : Borno

Deadline : October 15, 2024

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Purpose of the call for tender

The purpose of this tender is for the solicit the competitive procurement of Albendazol

Tender Timeline
Description Date Party Responsible
Notification for call for tender 14.09.2024 GHIV A frica
Accessing for Tender Document 14-29/09/2024 Interested Vendor
Deadline for tender submission 30.09.2024 Interested Vendor
Tender opening 04.10.2024 GHIV Africa and Submitted Vendors
Evaluation of Bids 07.10.2024 GHIV Africa
Notification to successful/ unsuccessful bidders 10.10.2024 GHIV Africa
Signing of Contract 12.10.2024 GHIV Africa and successful


GHIV Africa will only consider vendors who comply with government and donor regulations, including tax clearance for the previous year and no involvement in fraud or terrorism.

Other selection Criteria. 

  • All tender documents must be filled, sign and stamp
  • Quotation must be on Company letter headed paper
  • A means of identification (ID such as NIN; driver licence etc) of any member of the company
  • Bids will be evaluated on based on value for money

How to Apply for this Offer

  • All Bids must be submitted to GHIV Africa office located at No.5 Mana Street off Damboa Road Maiduguri, Borno state later than 4:30 PM.
  • All bids must be sealed in an envelop with instruction not to be open on or before 15.10.2024
  • All unsealed and late bid will automatically be disqualified

All interested suppliers should access the Tender documents via the link 

  • Store Keeping/Procurement jobs