Transcultural Psychosocial Organization

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Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) started in 1994 while affiliated to Netherlands International NGO-HNTPO; it became an autonomous in Uganda as National Organization in 2001 allowing TPO to replicate some of its promising practices acquired elsewhere in Uganda and Somalia in community-baread moresed child protection work and community based mental health & psychosocial support. TPO has been active in the Great Lake region for close to 21 years now working with communities affected by conflict in Uganda, Somalia, South Sudan, Kenya, Nepal, D.R.Congo and Burundi. Our two- pronged approach includes both direct service delivery and capacity building interventions. Our interventions are all guided by a community-oriented approach that places emphasis on identifying and utilizing existing traditional structures and infusing western concepts into local knowledge for which TPO DRC has conducted and expanding these both to Nigeria