Haulage & Logistics Nigeria

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The haulage sector and logistics in Nigeria has experienced tremendous transformation in the last ten to fifteen years. This is as a result of globalization and the increasing need for companies to outsource no core services to specialist service providers. In the local market, almost all the major manufacturing companies have outsourced the transportation of products so as to focus on their core business. This trend has given rise to an army of professional haulage and logistic companies with significant investment running into several billions of Naira. The sector is estimated to worth over N200billion annually and growing at an estimated rate of over 10% per annum. There are currently over 15 truck dealers as against just 3 in 1990 and there are over 200 dealers in fairly use trucks.
In spite of this level of investment and growth, the sector is largely unregulated with little or no operational standards. Particular challenges that constantly raise its head in this growing industry include sales of substandard truck spare parts to unsuspecting users which often result in road mishaps. Undue leveies and dues being made to be paid to each state government whcih can be structured in a way to be paid at once in an organised uniform structure. other issues are that of fraudulent and sharp practices of truck drivers in transit, which account for vehicle seizures by government agents which distort and delay the promotp delivery of goods.