Sales Representative needed at Spacesoft Integral System Limited

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Job title : Sales Representative

Job Location : Delta

Deadline : July 10, 2024

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Job Description

  • You are expected to Manage The social Media handle
  • You are expected to mange social Media ADS and chat with them trying to convinced them into buying our services especially Solar and CCTV services
  • You are expected to go out and meet potential customers and convince them on the important of pertronizing our service
  • You are expected to call and answer customer calls concerning sales of service
  • You will be expected to do fellow up on potentail customers
  • You will be expected to develope sales strategy and services packages that will encourage the customers
  • You will be expected to maintain good customer relationships
  • You must have a convincing power and a good command of English.

How to Apply for this Offer

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: [email protected] using the job title as the subject of the mail.

Note: You must be a resident of Asaba, Delta State.

  • Sales / Retail / Business Development  jobs
  • Sales Representative jobs