Corona Schools

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    The focus of the Corona Schools’ Trust Council is the development of world-class schools. World class in all facets of our operations – curriculum, teaching methodologies, staff quality, libraries, technology, buildings, resources, facilities, management and so on. In order to sustain our mission to deliver world- class education to children inculcate high moral and ethical values as we prepare them for a life of service and fulfilment, we have embarked on a number of school improvement initiatives in recent years.
    Based on wide research into major international curricula, the Nigerian curriculum inclusive, we developed a curriculum that has extensive extra and cross-curricular linkages that is project and enquiry based and focused on building the skills that will ensure success in the 21st century. The scope of teaching is clearly to align with teachings that will promote lifelong learning and survival skills for the 21st Century. Skills like collaboration across Networks, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Adaptability, Initiative, Effective Oral and Written Communication, Curiosity and Imagination, accessing and analysing Information.
    The core of any educational institution is learning and Corona Schools in her culture of continuous improvement has embarked on further enrichment of her curriculum with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). The IPC, used in over 80 countries, is a comprehensive, thematic and creative curriculum, which encourages active and co-operative learning, research as well as children taking responsibility for their learning. The IPC strategies will help children to acquire lifelong skills and prepare them for the fast changing world we live in.